About Us
The company (established in 2001 and called Avichai Mor Ltd.), is engaged in the import and marketing of products from a wide range of fields including:
* Self-defense products
* Knives and pocket knives for various uses
* Cold weapons collectibles (handcrafted knives and swords, etc.).
* Firearms accessories
* Camping and survival gear
* Flashlights
* Unique gadgets and gifts
* kitchen knives
* funny T-shirts
* Tactical clothing and footwear
* Bags for weapons and tactical bags
* and much more...
Among the brands are S & W, SanRenMu, Opinel, Fiskars, ProHands, VersaCarry, Ganzo, Schrade, Fab Defense, SaberRed, Frontline, Caa, First Tactical, Recover and many others.
* Comprehensive consultation + escort in the selection and purchase of a firearm for license holders.
* Shooting training for self-defense and fighting
* Lectures on weapons, ballistics, stopping ability, safety and health at the range and more.
* Examination of products and writing articles for weapons magazines and various weapons sites in Israel and around the world.
* Legal opinions on the use of weapons + expert witness to the courts.
* Consulting special and professional weapons work.
* Training and certification for veterinarians and municipal inspectors in the use of guns and pistols for remote injection